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We are a Fraternity (not a club) for MEN (not boys) living by Honor

(not expediency or situational ethics). 

                                                                      — The We Quote


Our Founders left us an excellent test for every action: is this really fraternal,

manly, honorable?


If the answer is yes, you can be sure the decision is right 



So what can Sigma Nu do for you?


The true answer is: you will get out of it what you put into it.


For those who strive, Sigma Nu can:


Develop lifelong friendships and brotherhood


Build a worldwide network of Sigma Nu connections


Teach valuable business, interpersonal and social skills


Develop leadership abilities and confidence


Provide opportunities to give back to the community


Help you become the best version of you.


Sigma Nu can give you a chance to get the most out of college.


To leave a lasting legacy.


We are here to build a Rock Chapter: one of the top Sigma Nu chapters across the country.


Imagine being a part of something great, something remarkable.


The top leaders, social gentlemen, involved on campus, high academics, strong athletics, recruiting the best men on campus, and most importantly, a high sense of Honor.


The premier men’s organization on campus.


A genuine fraternity experience.


Built by you.


​Find us: 

CSUSB - SLD Office

5500 University Parkway

San Bernardino, CA 92407

© 2017 by Sigma Nu International Fraternity - Lambda Chi Chapter CSUSB

Website designed and maintained by SNAPGFX

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